Postalloy® PS-98 Matrix

Postalloy® PS-98 Matrix hardfacing wire, alloyed with chromium and molybdenum is developed primarily to be used in conjunction with the MIG Carbide Embedding process. PS-98 Matrix provides a clean, molten and fluid weld bead that readily accepts tungsten carbide grit.

Improves the performance of MIG Tungsten Carbide embedded parts
• Hardness of 55-59Rc protects the tungsten carbide grit which has a hardness in excess of 75Rc.
• The molten weld results in an even distribution of carbide particles throughout the entire weld deposit.

Unlike soft metal steel welding wires which are commonly used with the MIG Carbide Embedding Process, the high hardness tool steel micro-structure of Postalloy® PS-98 Matrix is designed to encapsulate and protect the carbide particles from premature erosion. Use on carbon, low alloy steel and manganese steel.

Please visit our dedicated Tungsten Carbide Hardfacing website here for more information.


Product Type

  • Wire
  • Metal-cored
  • Deposits are slag-free


  • Grader blades
  • Bulldozer blades
  • Excavator parts
  • Dredge cutter teeth
  • Tunneling equipment
  • Auger teeth
  • Wood chippers
  • Hammers for recycling
  • Wood-waste
  • Biomass
  • Landscaping landfill
  • Land clearing
  • Composting
  • Asphalt shingle recycling
  • Waste processing systems
  • Tub grinders

Weld Deposit Properties

Triple deoxidized iron base wire alloyed with Chromium and Molybdenum
55Rc - 59Rc

Welding Parameters

Current Type: DC Electrode Positive

Volts Amps Diameter Stick Out
26-28 170-220 045" (1.1mm) 1"-1¼"(25-32mm)
27-29 180-250 1/16" (1.6mm) 1"-1¼"(25-32mm)

Welding Procedure:

Gas Shielding (98% Argon/2% Oxygen) 35cfh

Packaging Options