Postalloy® DuraChrome™ 2833-MCO
Machinable - High Chromium Crack Resistant Hardfacing Alloy.
Postalloy® DuraChrome™ 2833-MCO is a non-cracking high chromium hardfacing alloy that offers good resistance to abrasion, corrosion, heat and galling and can be applied in multiple layers crack-free with proper welding procedures. Deposits are machinable with carbide tools. It is recommended for parts where a low coefficient of friction is desirable and where cross-checking is undesirable. Deposits will polish in service and are heat resistant to 1100 °F (593 °C). Use on low carbon mild steel, manganese, stainless, and low alloy steels.
Product Type
- Wire
- Metal-cored
- Open-arc
- Gas-shielded
- Hog Hammers
- Rendering Screws
- Log Anvils
- Debarking Hammers
Weld Deposit Properties
- Additional:
- Average hardness: 2 layers on carbon steel HRC 40-45
- Galling resistance: Good
- Corrosion resistance: Good
- Heat resistance: Good
- Magnetic: Yes
- Cannot be flame-cut
- Deposit Thickness:
- Multiple
- Machinable:
- Yes
Welding Parameters
Current Type: DC Electrode Positive , DC Electrode Negative
Volts | Amps | Diameter | Stick Out |
22-26 | 175-350 | 1/16" (1.6mm) | 1/2" -1" (12.7-25mm) |
Welding Procedure:
Can be used open-arc or with Argon/CO2. When welding out of position, lower wire feed speed and voltage.
Packaging Options
Diameter | Standard Packaging |
1/16" (1.6mm) | 25 lb (11.30kgs) spool |