Postalloy® DuraBuild™ 2891-MCG

Postalloy® DuraBuild™ 2891-MCG is a low alloy build-up hardfacing wire with very good compressive strength and resistance to plastic deformation. An ideal base for subsequent overlay with a more wear resistant alloy. Also good when an easily machined "as welded" deposit is required. Use on carbon and low alloy steels


Product Type

  • Wire
  • Metal-cored
  • Gas-shielded
  • Deposits are slag-free


  • Where low alloy buildup is needed

Weld Deposit Properties

Deposits can be flame cut
Deposit Thickness:
Deposits are fully machinable
21Rc - 25Rc

Welding Parameters

Current Type: DC Electrode Positive

Volts Amps Short Arc Stick Out
15-21 90-200 .045" (1.1mm) 1/2"(12mm)
18-21 150-220 1/16" (1.6mm) 3/4"(19mm)
Volts Amps Spray Arc Stick Out
27-30 250-325 .045" (1.1mm) 5/8"(15mm)
27-30 300-375 1/16" (1.6mm) 3/4"(19mm)

Welding Procedure:

Use 98/2 Argon/Oxygen with 120pps. When welding out-of-position, use the lower ranges of voltages and amperages: 16-19 volts and 100-150 amps.

Product Equivalent:

Electrode: Postalloy® 27 Flux-coated Electrode

Packaging Options

Diameter Standard Packaging
.045" (1.1mm) 25 lb (11.30kg) spool
1/16" (1.6mm) 25 lb (11.30kg) spool